from 1,500 to 6,000 instagram followers in 6 months, reaching 10,000 YouTube subscribers, and packaging their most successful youtube video with 316,000 views.

Over 7 months, Lost Objects transformed Strada's social media presence by developing a unique brand style, optimizing their Instagram and YouTube channels, and implementing a strategic posting strategy. We grew their Instagram followers from 1,500 to 6,000 and YouTube subscribers from 500 to 13.2K, with their most successful video reaching 316K views. Our efforts included enhancing YouTube content with engaging copy and chapter markers, optimizing Instagram bios and highlight covers, creating unique content, repurposing videos, and generating excitement for live webinars. Collaborations with brands like Evoto AI and Beast Grip significantly boosted engagement, with posts amassing 1 million views, thousands of likes and comments. By working closely with Strada’s team, we tailored content for higher engagement, leading to substantial traffic and interest in their developing product.


Objective: To build brand awareness and generate sign-ups for Strada’s beta, all while the product was still in development. 


YouTube: @strada-tech

The Activity:

- Brand Development: Created a unique and cohesive branding style for Strada's Instagram and corresponding social channels.

- Boosted Posts Strategy: Implemented a strategy for boosted posts, resulting in over 2,000 new followers and significant traffic to their YouTube channel, growing from 500 to 13.2K subscribers.

- YouTube Content: Crafted engaging copy for every YouTube video, created unique playlists for each season of Strada’s development, added chapter markers for better user experience, and consulted on best titles and thumbnails for engagement.

- Video Optimization: Designed the thumbnail, copy, and social media rollout for Episode 18, "How We Got iPhone 15 to Look Like an 8K Cinema Camera," which became the channel's most successful video with 316K views.

- Channel Optimization: Enhanced the Instagram bio, incorporated a Linktree, created IG highlight covers, and optimized the overall channel.

- Consistent Posting Schedule: Established a regular posting routine with 2 video reels per week and either 1 carousel infographic post or image post.

- Content Repurposing: Transformed YouTube videos into informative Instagram posts, driving viewers to watch the full episodes on YouTube.

- Live Webinars: Generated excitement for live webinars that showcased the product and encouraged sign-ups for Strada's beta.

- Collaborations: Curated posts and planned collaborations with established brands like Evoto AI and Beast Grip. One particular collaboration post with BeastGrip garnered over 1 MILLION VIEWS, 38.2K likes and 372 comments, significantly boosting views on Episode 18.

-Team Work: Worked closely with Strada’s in-house staff to optimize social posts and tailor them to garner higher engagement and click through rates. 

- Social Media Rollouts:

  - The rollout for Episode 18 included 6 posts, collectively amassing 44K likes and 500+ comments.

  - Another successful campaign featured an influencer testing Strada’s workflow, generating over 18,000 likes, comments, and direct traffic to their YouTube channel.

Impressive Results:

- Brand Growth: Developed Strada's creative presence on social media, significantly increasing engagement and follower count.

- YouTube Success: Achieved hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, with subscribers growing from 500 to 13.2K.

- Instagram Engagement: Gained thousands of followers on Instagram and curated highly engaging content.

- Product Buzz: Successfully generated excitement and educated the audience about a product still in development, maintaining interest and engagement before its release.

Through strategic planning and creative execution, we helped Strada build a strong social media presence and generate significant interest and engagement, despite the product being developed and not widely available.

